Saturday, December 13, 2008

Happy Holidays

Every year since Stevenson Fitness has been open we have had a staff holiday party.  This year I did things a little different.  I was thinking about what makes Stevenson Fitness so great, and it is not just the staff, it is the members as well.  So we had the first ever "everyone is welcome" Stevenson Fitness holiday party.  And as I suspected, it was awesome!
I can't lie, I was a little nervous about putting this together.  It would have been horrible if no one showed up. I was thinking that we would probably have a decent turn out, with people coming and going during the 2 hour time we had allotted.  I have never been so pleased to be so wrong!  Most of the gym members did in fact show up and stayed the whole time!  It was so awesome!
Carla did an awesome job organizing the whole shindig.  Chrissy helped with the newsletter and flyers to promote it.  Jenna did most of the shopping.  Julie brought in some decorations and tasty deserts.  Holly brought in veggie trays (nutritional nerd:-) ) Marisa and Kevin helped decorate the gym.  Bray volunteered to dress up as Santa.  Okay, well he lost a bet and had to...too bad USC couldn't have scored just a few more points against UCLA.   Many of the vendors in our plaza donated great prizes which were raffled off.  Saralyn's donated some delicious food.  And of course Hal showed up with a grocery cart full of corona.  So many people, staff and members alike, contributed so much to make this event so fun.  My cheeks were literally sore from the huge smile that was plastered on my face the whole night.  It was absolutely awesome!
People won prizes.  Kids played on the equipment.  My son ran around with his face covered in chocolate cake.  Members talked and bonded with each other.  In a room that is normally filled with push ups and sit ups there were cocktails and cookies.  In a room where you normally hear grunting and shouts of "how many more reps?",  you heard laughing and holiday music.  People all stayed well past "closing time".  Everyone even helped clean up.   This event really summed up the whole mantra of Stevenson Fitness which is family and community.  Everyone had a really great time, from men to women and adults to kids.  The diversity was incredible.  I received emails and texts before I went to bed that night from people telling me what a good time they had and suggesting future events.  It was really really awesome!
Afterwards several of us went to a local bar called the Canyon Club.  They had a great 80's cover band and people continued to cocktails  and dance the night away.  I want to give a shout out to Chris V. for awaking from a deep sleep and coming out to make sure everyone got home safely.  As my near perfect night was winding down,  I began to give hugs and thanks and say my goodbyes.  As I gave my last hug and watched Rachelle, who offered me a ride, head to the exit, and before I went to meet Jessica and Chris to head home I stopped for a moment.  I just paused and smiled, reliving the great night that had just occurred.  I awoke from my temporary reflecting daze, now ready to leave and I realized....EVERYBODY LEFT ME!!!!!!!!!  I had no money and my cell phone was dead, so I began my 45 minute walk in the freezing cold to my home!  Chapped lips and a runny nose aside, the night was still in fact awesome!

Stevenson Fitness Summer BBQ coming 2009!

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