Sunday, January 4, 2009

Let's eat!

I know a lot of people have trouble staying on the right eating path.  I do a pretty good job with my nutrition so I thought I would share my process with everyone with the hope of giving people a fairly good example.  By the way, the point is not that I am exceptional with my fitness, but rather to show that if an attention-deficit-scatterbrained guy like me can do it, anybody can!
THE PREP: Every Friday morning my wife goes to the grocery store and buys groceries for the week. (thanks honey :-) She says she spends about 45 minutes there each trip.  I give her the list, which I get from the meals that Holly (Stevenson Fitness's awesome nutritionist) has created for me, and in addition to the staples that our family needs, she buys my food for the week.  On Sunday, I prep my meals for the week. Make some sandwiches, bag some carrots, put pieces of fruit in a bag, etc...  This includes 2 snacks, a pre-workout snack, and lunch.  This takes me around 40 minutes.  So not counting breakfast and dinner (which I'll get to in a minute), in less than an hour and a half, I am good to go for a full week.  
A TYPICAL DAY: It takes me about 5 minutes in the morning to grab a banana, put a nutra-grain waffle in the toaster, microwave some eggs (which I portion out the night before in literally 1 minute) and pour a glass of milk.  It takes no time to prep a snack or to make or buy lunch, since I put all my snacks and lunches together on Sunday.  As far as dinner goes, my wife usually cooks or I will cook, and by cooking I mean picking something up on the way home from work.   Dinner at home always consists of a protein (chicken, steak, fish), a green vegetable (salad, asparagus, broccoli), and a carbohydrate (jasmine rice, baked potato, pasta). Prepping dinner in the morning can save time in the evening.  Set out, thaw and/or marinade your protein so that it's ready for cooking when you get home.  There are some really good ways to marinade meats, poultry, etc., so that your meal is not only healthy but flavorful.  If you need to bring food in, keep in mind that there are healthy alternatives out there (Tacone, Subway, even items at fast food restaurants).  What's important is that you make an educated selection, so that you don't blow your nutritional day.  I am happy to provide anyone with some suggestions, and you can also look up most menu items from restaurants online to determine their nutritional values. Now as we know, per my last blog, this allows me to eat the right foods every three to four hours.  My metabolism stays revved up, my energy is high, I'm staying healthy and I feel great!
THE POINT:  It is really not that hard to eat right if you plan correctly.  In addition to it being cost effective, and actually saving you time, it will allow you to become the most lean, healthy and strong person that you can be!

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